Meet the 2025 Guideline Governance Group
Professor Janet Cuddigan, GGG Chair
Professor Janet Cuddigan, PhD, RN, FAAN is a Professor at the University of Nebraska Medical Center in Omaha, Nebraska, USA where she teaches research methods and translational research to graduate students. Her research interests focus on pressure injury risk assessment, prevention and early detection in critically ill patients. She is a past president of the National Pressure Injury Advisory Panel (NPIAP). Janet has over 30 years of experience in pressure ulcer/injury guideline development. She served as the Panel Manager for the Agency for Healthcare Policy and Research (AHCPR) evidence-based guidelines published in 1992 and 1994. She served as Co-Chair and editor-in-chief for the first EPUAP-NPUAP International Guideline in 2009. She was a member of the International Guideline Development Group in 2014 and a Co-Chair in 2019. She currently serves as the Chair of the 2025 International Guideline Governance Group (GGG).
Professor Emily Haesler, Methodologist
Professor Emily Haesler is an Adjunct Professor at Curtin Health Innovation Research Institute (CHIRI), Curtin University. Emily is a methodologist with expertise in developing evidence-based guidelines and consensus documents, including the International Pressure Ulcer/Injury Guideline since 2012. She has led international projects for the International Wound Infection Institute, Wounds Australia, New Zealand Wound Care Society and Pan Pacific Pressure Injury Alliance. At Curtin University, Emily leads evidence summary development for Wound Healing and Management (WHAM) Collaborative and is a lead researcher. Emily is also an Adjunct Associate Professor at the Australian Centre for Evidence Based Aged Care at La Trobe University and an Honorary Senior Lecturer at the Australian National University Medical School. She is a committee member for the International Wound Infection Institute and the World Alliance for Wound and Lymphoedema Care, and was appointed a Fellow of Wounds Australia in 2021. Her research interests include evidence synthesis, wound practice in low-middle resource communities, consumer engagement, reflective practice, staff-family relationships and dementia care.
Sue Creehan, Consumer representative
Sue Creehan served as Virginia Commonwealth University (VCU) Medical Center’s champion for their pressure injury prevention (PIP) initiative from 1998-2019, developing a program that touched every aspect of patient care. She created and implemented a unit-based champions model for PIP and an interdisciplinary team. Sue officially retired Nov 2019. As a consultant, she has served on advisory boards and focus groups, reviewed medical records for lawyers defending both individuals and healthcare organizations, coordinated a PIP in a local nursing home, and provided educational webinars for rural and critical access hospitals. Sue has several peer reviewed publications , multiple poster presentations and has lectured locally, nationally and internationally on PIP. Sue currently serves on the NPIAP Board as the liaison for the Patient Advisory Council (2021-current). This newly added Council’s purpose is to ensure the voice of the patient/clien/caregiver/person is heard.
Twitter: @suecreehan
NPIAP representatives
Professor Janet Cuddigan, NPIAP Chair
Professor Janet Cuddigan, PhD, RN, FAAN is a Professor at the University of Nebraska Medical Center in Omaha, Nebraska, USA where she teaches research methods and translational research to graduate students. Her research interests focus on pressure injury risk assessment, prevention and early detection in critically ill patients. She is a past president of the National Pressure Injury Advisory Panel (NPIAP). Janet has over 30 years of experience in pressure ulcer/injury guideline development. She served as the Panel Manager for the Agency for Healthcare Policy and Research (AHCPR) evidence-based guidelines published in 1992 and 1994. She served as Co-Chair and editor-in-chief for the first EPUAP-NPUAP International Guideline in 2009. She was a member of the International Guideline Development Group in 2014 and a Co-Chair in 2019. She currently serves as the Chair of the 2025 International Guideline Governance Group (GGG).
Dr Elizabeth Ayello
Elizabeth A. Ayello, PhD, MS, BSN, ETN, RN, CWON, MAPWCA, FAAN, is a board certified wound and ostomy nurse from New York City, who is internationally known as an educator, researcher, prolific author, editor, clinician, and mentor. Elizabeth is currently a Co-Editor in Chief for the international, interprofessional journal Advances in Skin and Wound Care, Editorial board member of Nursing 2023 journal and a faculty member at the University of Toronto International Interprofessional Wound Care Course (IIWCC) that is taught in Toronto Canada and Abu Dhabi UAE and WoundPedia Manila. Elizabeth chaired the statewide New Jersey Hospital pressure injury reduction initiative and was a member of the team that developed the AHRQ Hospital Pressure Injury Toolkit. Elizabeth is an author of over 200 peer reviewed journal articles, several books, and is Executive Editor Emeritus WCET® Journal, Faculty Emeritus Excelsior University School of Nursing, past president of the World Council of Enterostomal Therapists (WCET®) and the National Pressure Injury Advisory Panel (NPIAP). Her significant and sustained contributions to skin and wound care have earned her numerous awards and honors including lifetime achievement awards from WUWHS, NPIAP and INANE.
Professor Dan Berlowitz
Professor Dan Berlowitz, MD, MPH, is currently Professor with the Department of Public Health at University of Massachusetts Lowell. Dan is a geriatrician and health services researcher with a research focus on assessing and improving the quality of healthcare in ambulatory and long-term care. He has done pioneering work in both pressure injury care and the management of hypertension. Dan’s work has been funded by over 50 federal research grants and has been highlighted in over 270 research publications, book chapters and reports. Prior to joining UMass Lowell, he worked for over 30 years in the Department of Veterans Affairs and was the 2015 recipient of the Under Secretary’s Award for Outstanding Achievement in Health Services Research.
Professor Jill Cox
Professor Jill Cox, PhD is a Clinical Professor of Nursing at Rutgers University, Newark NJ and maintains an active clinical practice as a Wound, Ostomy, Continence Advanced Practice Nurse at Englewood Health, Englewood, NJ. She is board certified as an Advanced Practice Nurse (Clinical Nurse Specialist) and has been board certified as a Wound, Ostomy and Continence Nurse for 30 years. Jill is a current member of the Board of Directors for the National Pressure Injury Advisory Panel (NPIAP).
Jill is also a member of the Editorial Advisory Board for the journal Advances in Skin and Wound Care, serves as the USA representative for the Education Committee for the World Council of Enterostomal Therapists(WCET) and is a member of the Accreditation Committee for the Wound, Ostomy and Continence Nursing Society (WOCN). Her published program of research focuses on pressure injuries in hospitalized adults with a specific interest in the critically ill population. In 2020, Jill was inducted as a fellow in the American Academy of Nursing.
EPUAP representatives
Professor Zena Moore, EPUAP Chair
Professor Zena Moore is a registered nurse, who holds a PhD, a FFNMRCSI, an MSc in Wound Healing & Tissue Repair, a MSc in Leadership in Education, a PGDip in Wound Healing & Tissue
Repair, and a Diploma in Management. Zena is the Chair in Nursing at the RCSI, University
of Medicine and Health Sciences, is Head of the School of Nursing & Midwifery and
Director of the Skin Wounds, and Trauma (SWaT) Research Centre at RCSI. Zena’s area of
research interest is Wound Healing & Tissue Repair, and she has published over 280
articles, guidelines, consensus documents and book chapters in this field. Zena is a Past President of the European Wound Management Association.Zena is also an Adjunct Professor, School of Nursing & Midwifery, Griffith University, Queensland, Australia, a Visiting Professor at Ulster University, an Honorary Visiting Professor, Cardiff University, Cardiff, Wales, a Professor at the Department of Public Health, Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, Ghent University, an Honorary Professor, Lida Institute,
Shanghai, China and an Adjunct Professor, Department of Nursing, Fakeeh College for
Medical Sciences, Jeddah, KSA. -
Professor Katrin Balzer
Professor Jan Kottner
Professor Jan Kottner works at the Charité Universitaetsmedizin Berlin. Jan’s key research interests are skin and tissue integrity and preventive skin care with a special focus on skin physiology, skin barrier restoration and maintenance. He has special interests in evidence-based practice including systematic reviews, guidelines, clinical trial design and conduct, and outcome development and validation. Jan has published widely in the field of skin and tissue integrity, pressure ulcer prevention and clinical research methods, and he is member of international boards and societies focusing of skin and tissue health.
https://www.linkedin.com/in/jan-kottner-71054555/ -
Dr Pinar Avsar
Dr. Pinar Avsar is a Lecturer and Program Director at the School of Nursing and Midwifery, RCSI, Dublin, with expertise in wound care and pressure injury prevention. She holds a PhD in Nursing from Gazi University, where her research focused on nursing interventions to enhance tissue integrity. Her postdoctoral work at the Skin, Wounds, and Trauma Research Centre at RCSI advanced the development of algorithms to prevent pressure ulcers based on activity and mobility patterns.
Dr. Avsar is a member of the European Pressure Ulcer Advisory Panel and has received multiple awards, including the EPUAP Novice Investigator Award and the 3M Pressure Ulcer Innovation Award.
PPPIA representatives
Professor Keryln Carville, PPPIA Chair, Wounds Australia's PPPIA representative
Professor Keryln Carville represented Wounds Australia on the PPPIA.
Visit Wounds Australia website
Professor Keryln Carville is the Professor of Primary Health Care and Community Nursing at Silver Chain Group and Curtin University, Western Australia. She is the Deputy Lead of the Curtin Health Innovation Research Institute (CHIRI) Inflammation, Infection and Wounds Domain and Lead of the Wounds Group. She is a lead researcher, delivers undergraduate and postgraduate wound curriculum and supervises students. Keryln has extensive clinical experience in wound and ostomy care and is committed to research and education. Keryln co-ordinates the Curtin University Postgraduate Program of Wound, Ostomy and Continence Practice in Australia and Singapore. She was appointed a Fellow of Wounds Australia in 2006 and a Life Member of the Australian Association of Stomal Therapy Nurses in 2015. She was awarded a World Union of Wound Healing Societies Life Achievement Award in 2022 and Western Australian Life-Time Achievement in Nursing Award in 2010. Keryln is a Churchill Fellow (1995) and has over 120 peer-reviewed publications and texts.
Keryln’s research interests include: prevention and management of acute and chronic wounds, promotion of recovery and rehabilitation of persons with an ostomy, and advancing best practice in wound and ostomy care in low resource countries.
Dr Althea Carruth, New Zealand Wound Care Society's PPPIA representative
Dr Althea Carruth represents the New Zealand Wound Care Society on the PPPIA.
Visit New Zealand Wound Care Society website
Dr Althea Carruth has been a podiatrist for 45 years. Originally from Britain, with background in NHS allied health management, she completed podiatry education at University of Westminster. She moved to New Zealand in the early 1990s where she led the podiatry course at the Central Institute of Technology in Wellington, NZ as it transitioned from a diploma course to a degree. Althea moved to Central Otago, NZ and started a podiatry practice while continuing her interest in public health and health management as an appointee to the Local Hospital Board and National Committee on Health and Disability.
Althea has had many podiatric, public health and health care delivery interests. However, from the beginning of her career she ran high risk diabetic clinics at St Bartholomew’s Hospital, London and she has maintained her interest in the management of diabetes as a whole and the management of the diabetic foot. Her PhD, which she completed in Australia in 2012, focused on diabetes and its management in rural areas. Althea returned to Central Otago, NZ in 2018 where she has re-established her podiatry practice and joined the NZWCS. -
Chang Yee Yee, Wound Healing Society of Singapore's PPPIA representative
Chang Yee Yee represents the Wound Healing Society of Singapore on the PPPIA.
Hau-lan Ngan, Hong Kong Enterostomal Therapists Association's PPPIA representative
Ms Hau-lan Ngan represents Hong Kong Enterostomal Therapists Association on the PPPIA.
Visit Hong Kong Enterostomal Therapists Association website
Ms Hau-lan Ngan is a highly experienced Nurse Consultant in Stoma and Wound Care who has been working in Hong Kong’s public health system for over 30 years. She has dedicated her career to improving the quality of care for patients with complex wounds and stomas, and has become a recognised leader in the field.
Hau-lan developed a strong passion for stoma and wound care after completing her Master Degree at the Chinese University of Hong Kong. She began to specialise and moved into an expanded role to be an Enterostomal Therapist in 2004 and Certified Lymphoedema Therapist in 2017. In 2012, Hau-lan was appointed as a Nurse Consultant in Stoma and Wound Care for a cluster of hospitals in a major region in Hong Kong. She has a strong mission to enhance evidence-based wound and stoma care in all levels of care and extend it to the community.
Hau-lan has been appointed to hold significant leadership positions in various clinical, academic and community work groups, including the official member in Specialty of Advisory Group of Enterostomal Nursing in Hong Kong Hospital Authority, and the Chairperson of HKETA.