International PU/PI Guideline Translations

Accessing Translations

The 2009 Quick Reference Guide was translated into 17 languages other than English.

The 2014 Quick Reference Guide was translated into 13 languages other than English, and the full Clinical Practice Guideline was translated into two languages other than English.

The 2019 Quick Reference Guide is currently available for free download from the EPUAP website in the following languages:

  • Arabic

  • Brazilian

  • Chinese

  • Croatian

  • Czech

  • Danish

  • Dutch/Belgium

  • Finnish

  • French

  • German

  • Greek

  • Italian

  • Malaysian

  • Portuguese

  • Slovak

  • Spanish

  • Swedish

  • Thai

  • Turkish

Entering into a Translation Agreement

The EPUAP/NPIAP/PPPIA welcome translations of the 2019 Quick Reference Guide into languages other than English.

The organizations have established processes for translation and for dissemination of translated versions.

Permission must be sought before commencing a translation. Information on requirements for undertaking a translation and process to seek permission is available on the EPUAP website.

For additional questions about guideline translation please Contact Us.