Prevention and Treatment of Pressure Ulcer/Injuries Clinical Practice Guideline is launching as an online, free access guideline on 27 Feb 2025.
The first sections of the International Guideline focused on prevention of pressure injuries will be accessible from your desktop computer as an interactive guideline.
We are still working on other guideline topics! The guideline is a living document and new sections will be uploaded as they are completed.
STAKEHOLDER CONSULTATION - No Consultation Currently Open
The Guideline Governance Group is inviting stakeholder comment on recommendations and good practice statements for sections of the guideline addressing prevention of pressure injuries. This is the first stage of our stakeholder feedback process.
Access the stakeholder feedback survey HERE
The survey collects feedback on evidence-based recommendations and good practice statements. You can respond to as few or as many statements as you prefer, If you respond to every statement with detailed comments, the survey will take about 60 minutes. Your responses will save as you progress. You can exit the survey and come back to finish at a later time.
Each of the three editions of the NPIAP-EPUAP-PPPIA Guidelines (2009, 2014, 2019) have been distributed to over 200,000 individuals world-wide with translations available in multiple languages. A new systematic analysis of guideline citations in the peer reviewed literature revealed that each of the International Pressure Ulcer/Injury Guidelines have exceeded thresholds for "Highly Cited" articles in Clinical Medicine.
Read the analysis in the open-access publication:
El Genedy-Kalyoncu M, Kottner J. The uptake of the international pressure ulcer/injury prevention and treatment guidelines: An updated systematic citation analysis. Int Wound J. 2024; 21(9):e70036.

Expression of Interest for Patient/Informal Carer Panel Group
Applications from people who have experienced a pressure injury or who are at risk, and their informal (e.g. family) carers are invited to provide contribute to the guideline development as a part of the Guideline Development Team.
Expression of Interest for Panel Groups
March 2024
We received an overwhelming number of expressions of interest from wound experts to join Panel Groups. Over 240 wound experts have been offered opportunities on Panel Groups.
Associate Organizations
December 2023
We are pleased to announce Associate Organizations who are collaborating with NPIAP/EPUAP/PPPIA in the development of the fourth edition of the International PI Guideline!

Celebrating International Stop PI Day 2023
November 2023
To celebrate International Stop Pressure Injury Day on November 16, 2023 we have provided free downloads of the 2019 CPG and QRG from this website!
Guideline e-Store is closing
October 2023
The 2019 International Pressure Ulcer/Injury Guideline continues to be the most comprehensive evidence-based guideline on pressure ulcer/injury prevention and treatment. As we have commenced development of the next edition, we will be closing the 2019 Guideline e-store on October 31, 2023. This is your last opportunity to purchase a hard copy of the 2019 Clinical Practice Guideline (CPG) or Quick Reference Guide (QRG). To ensure sufficient time for processing, please place your order by October 21, 2023.
Invitation to Collaborate as an Associate Organization
June 2023
The NPIAP/EPUAP/PPPIA are delighted to announce that from 16 June 2023 invitations are open for like-minded organizations to participate in the development of the fourth edition of the International Pressure Ulcer/Injury Guideline as Associate Organizations. To find out more, visit Stakeholders or Contact Us today.

Notice of Disendorsement of International Guideline App
3 April 2023
With commencement of the fourth edition of the International Pressure Ulcer/Injury Guideline, the NPIAP/EPUAP/PPPIA have ceased their endorsement of the 2019 guideline app.
Stakeholder Involvement for Guideline Development
17 March 2023
Work is commencing on the next edition of the International Pressure Ulcer/Injury Guideline. Your early stakeholder involvement is always welcomed. Information now available about ways you can become a Stakeholder.
Stakeholder Survey for Guidelines Priorities
23 April 2022
The EPUAP/NPIAP/PPPIA will be updating the International Guideline for release in 2024/early 2025. Please help us determine the priority clinical questions and outcomes to include in the fourth edition of the Guideline. Stakeholders include individuals with/at risk of pressure ulcers/injuries and their informal carer, healthcare providers, researchers, industry and anyone who shares our goal of bringing evidence-based recommendations to the bedside to improve pressure ulcer/injury prevention and treatment world-wide. The survey is now closed.
Cochrane Library – Covid-19 response
29 March 2020
The Cochrane Library has announced that commencing 26 March 2020, The Cochrane Library is now temporarily unrestricted for everyone in every country of the world, providing access to high-quality, independent evidence to inform health decision-making in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. This includes access to a special collection on Covid-19 Infection Control and Prevention Measures and a collection on the Covid-19 Issues Relevant to Critical Care.
50% Discount On Full International Guideline
13 April 2022
We are pleased to announce that the International Clinical Practice Guideline for the Prevention and Treatment of Pressure Injuries/Ulcers is available at 50% discount. via the guideline store. NOTE: this offer is closed on 30 October 2023.
ECRI Guidelines Trust ® Acceptance of 2019 Pressure Ulcer/Injury Guideline
3 November 2020
We are pleased to announce that the 2019 International Pressure Ulcer/Injury Guideline has been reviewed and accepted by the ECRI Guidelines Trust ®. The ECRI summaries of the International Guideline are available at these links after registering for free.
Summary of recommendations for prevention of pressure ulcers/injuries
Summary of recommendations for prevention and treatment of pressure ulcers/injuries
Summary of recommendations for treatment of pressure ulcers/injuries
Acceptance on the ECRI Guidelines Trust ® website validates the high quality of the 2019 International Guideline. The ECRI Guidelines Trust ® website allows clinicians to compare this guideline with other similar guidelines.
2020 Journal of Wound Care/World Union of Wound Healing Societies Gold Award
27 February 2021
Congratulations to the International GGG who won the 2020 JWC/WUWHS Gold award for Advances in Pressure Care, announced in February 2021. This project has made an immense contribution to advancing the guidance for care of individuals with and at risk of pressure injuries, and the GGG represents all those many volunteers who made a contribution to the Guideline.

New International Clinical Practice Guideline for the Prevention and Treatment of Pressure Ulcers/Injuries Released
12 November 2019
The European Pressure Ulcer Advisory Panel (EPUAP), the National Pressure Injury Advisory Panel (NPIAP), and the Pan Pacific Pressure Injury Alliance (PPPIA) are pleased to announce the release of the new Clinical Practice Guideline for Prevention and Treatment of Pressure Ulcers/Injuries. The goal of this international collaboration was to develop evidence-based recommendations for the prevention and treatment of pressure injuries that could be used by health professionals throughout the world.An explicit scientific methodology has been used to identify and critically appraise all available research.
"EPUAP is pleased to part of this truly international collaboration. The GGGand all small working groups worked intensely at global level to summarize the evidence and to develop practical recommendations to support clinical practice for our patients. We are looking forward to seeing how these new guidelines will be implemented and how they will further support better patient care." stated Professor. Dr. Dimitri Beeckman, EPUAP President.
Janet Cuddigan, President of NPIAP says "The NPIAP is pleased to join our international partners, the EPUAP and PPPIA, in releasing this international guideline. The guideline critically analyzes and summarizes a large body of international research to develop evidence-based clinical recommendations. The guideline bridges a critical gap by accelerating the translation of research into practice to improve patient outcomes."
"The PPPIA is proud to have partnered with the NPIAP, EPUAP and the international Associate Partner Organizations in the development of the 2019 Prevention and Treatment of Pressure Ulcers/Injuries Clinical Practice Guideline. The International Guideline contains evidence-based recommendations, good practice statements and quality indicators, which will facilitate translation of guideline evidence into clinical practice and ultimately improve care outcomes for individuals across all health settings" says Keryln Carville, PPPIA Chair.
The NPIAP has the privilege of introducing the latest Guideline at an educational and celebratory launch event at the University of Southern California in Los Angeles, CA, November 15-16, 2019.
Guideline sponsorship opportunities available
September 2019
Interested in sponsoring the Guideline? Sponsorship opportunities are available from 01 October 2019 and close 31 October 2019 Please visit the NPUAP website for more details.
NPUAP Staging System revision
June 2016
The NPUAP recently released the NPUAP Pressure Injury Staging System based on a review of the literature, stakeholder comments and the results of a consensus conference involving 400 participants. The International Guideline Development Group (including representatives from the EPUAP, PPPIA and NPUAP) have reviewed the work of the NPUAP and determined that the International Pressure Ulcer Classification System published in the 2014 International Guideline is still valid. Although the NPUAP altered some terms and clarified definitions, there have been no substantive conceptual changes to the 2014 International Pressure Ulcer Classification System. What clinicians have always classified as a "Category/Stage I" is still a "Category/Stage 1". A "Category/Stage II" is still a "Category/Stage 2". Et cetera.
The International GGG congratulates their colleagues in the NPUAP and looks forward to further validation of the new NPUAP Pressure Injury Staging System and its impact on education, practice, research and public policy.
Revisions to the International Pressure Ulcer Classification System will be considered for the next guideline update using our established guideline methodology. The international pressure ulcer guideline methodology is designed to ensure that all new research has been systematically reviewed and evaluated; small working groups with international representation have reviewed available evidence before making changes and the input of a broad range of international stakeholders has been considered.
Guideline Launch: Los Angeles, 15-16 November 2019
August 2019
The GGG are proud to announce the upcoming publication of the third edition of the Prevention and Treatment of Pressure Ulcers/Injuries: Clinical Practice Guideline. We are please to invite you to a special launch event with a two-day program focused on pressure injuries:
USC Hotel and University of Southern California (USC) Campus, 15-16 November 2019
For registrations and more information or assistance please contact: Megan Brouwer, NPUAP. Register quickly for this limited seating event.
Small Working Group Applications for 2019 guideline are open
November 2017
The NPUAP, EPUAP and PPPIA, together with Associate Organizations, are excited to open applications for small working groups (SWG) . Full details about requirements for SWGs, together with the application form, conflict of interest form and application process are included in this downloadable PDF attachment. Applications are open to and encouraged from all individuals with a background in any healthcare discipline. (Applications are now closed).
Register as an Interested Stakeholder
October 2017
Work has commenced on the 3rd edition of the Guideline. All individuals and organizations interested in reviewing the Guideline and providing feedback on the final version are invited to register to receive notification when the draft becomes available for stakeholder feedback. A draft is anticipated to be available in mid-2019. Individuals interested in contributing to the Guideline development can anticipate Expressions of Interest to be distributed by the organizations responsible for the Guideline development. Expressions of Interest for Small Working Group members will be made on EPUAP, NPUAP and PPPIA organization websites and (when applicable) in newsletters in late 2017. Expressions of Interest for involvement are not accepted from industry representatives.